Moving Company Marketing & Leads FAQ

Presales General

Do you Guarantee More Moving Leads?

We guarantee work done, which leads to more traffic, leads and booked jobs – full spend, work done, and number of leads is completely accounted for every month – you know exactly how much you spent and what you received including leads. MoversBoost clients are month to month, so there is no risk on our clients end. Want to take a vacation and temporary downgrade? No problem. Want to scale up and grow your business quicker? We have you covered. Because MoversBoost relies on data science and algorithms we are able to quickly deploy enterprise grade solutions at any price point.

Can I still Buy Other Moving Leads?

Of course. MoversBoost is a true partner in your digital presence. Our clients tell us every day their shared leads convert better with upgraded designs, landing pages, and remarketing funnel. You do not have to rely on 3rd party vendors for leads, but we maximize them, lowering your Cost Per Lead and helping you grow your moving company faster.

Do You Work with Brokers?

NO. We do not have a moral stance against this business model, but we are unable to help brokers at this time. We will not partner with any Moving Company Brokerages, or leads sellers / lead providers. We are only working with actual businesses, with boots on the ground.

My Average Review Rating is…

If your average review rating is less than 4.0 we will be unable to partner with you. We understand people can be mean-spirited and leave negative reviews when undeserved, or an ex-employee with an axe to grind, however we have made this a hard stance. It’s nothing personal, as we do this as a company policy. You could be the greatest person in the world, but until your rating is a 4.0 or higher we will be unable to work with you.

Are These Leads Really Exclusive?

Yes. When the phone rings it’s only for you. When the form is filled out for a quote, it’s only for you. This is different because the prospect lead (person requesting a quote) knows of your existence before they ever call or request a quote. No other moving companies will EVER see any leads which come in for your business.

What is the Cost Per Lead?

We do not sell shared leads. MoversBoost technology gets more leads from your existing traffic, and increases your traffic through a database and a deep marketing funnel. MoversBoost offers unlimited leads based on the client tier plan you select. This is because we build out complete marketing funnels and systems to maximize the traffic already coming to your website. MoversBoost routinely increases the conversion rate of leads already purchased, by having a professional process, software and IT technology advantages and generating new laser hyper targeted traffic into warm, red-hot exclusive leads.

Is there a Minimum, or a Contract?

No contracts. We do not tell anyone what to spend, as some do more some do less based on their budget and ambition. Because we are month to month, MoversBoost earns its valued clients business each and every month. If we aren’t producing and helping the phone ring, then we are FIRED! Every 30 days we prove our sincerity and our advantages in the marketplace to get you more red hot exclusive phone call and form submission leads.

Is this just SEO?

No. SEO implies service starts and finished inside Google search results. Our clients routinely rank #1 for all their major services and all their major towns. Whether TOWN + Movers or a random Gun Safe Move in **TOWN WITH 5,000 population** we have it covered. MoversBoost is obsessed with getting the phone ringing and forms filled out. This is why we have systems and processes in place to not only obtain new generic traffic, but convert this traffic into an actual warm exclusive lead.

Is this just Google Ads?

No. Most people have tried and failed with Google Ads. That’s because they don’t have Optimization scores of 100%, nor are they driving traffic specific to the Town searched and the service provided. Imagine searching for “Furniture Mover near me”, you see an advertisement that states “YOUR TOWN” Furniture Movers. You will click this ad because it’s in your brain-stem. Google knows EXACTLY where people live based on their IP address when performing a search, whether on mobile on the go, or in the comfort of their office. Now you are then taken to a webpage which speaks specifically about your town and what you just searched. The holy grail of marketing and leads is Relevancy and Speed. MoversBoost provides laser hot traffic and leads at the exact moment they are thinking about and seeking out a Moving company to hire.

Is this Social media marketing? Facebook

No. Most people use social media marketing incorrectly. They believe endlessly posting updates or content will win them new business. In reality, these platforms have matured into “Pay to Play” sandboxes. This is actually a really important and big win for MoversBoost and its clients, because are actually able to get ROI from clients social media, by putting our ads infront of people ONLY interested in moving services. Through use of old tactics with new tactics, we are able to achieve new red hot exclusive leads every month that would have otherwise gone into the arms of a competitor. MoversBoost has no interest in a “cute” post, or running random advertisements on Facebook, Instagram or Youtube. We have a process and system to get leads from Facebook every month for our clients.

But I have a Website! Is this a Website Service?

No. You wouldn’t be here if your website, online marketing, and lead generation system was growing you at the rate at which you are satisfied. Your website is most likely under performing. It’s great you have a website, but in the modern era, it’s not really saying much. Everyone and their mom has a website. You don’t need a website – you need an ASSET, which attract new traffic and converts leads at a significantly higher rate than anything available on the market.

Do you Work with Startups or Smaller Movers?

Yes! MoversBoost eats sleeps and breathes helping moving companies of all sizes. We work with multi-million dollar, mult-location operations and the person just starting out of his home with a rented truck. How and Why? We took it as a personal challenge to not only help titans in the moving industry but smaller operations because we know these people truly CARE about what they do, and are very good at it, and they do not have bloated pricing like national companies. When we look at them, it’s like looking in a mirror. We’ve figured out strict processes and templates to offer amazing affordability and scale to Moving Companies of all sizes.

How Long Until I See Results?

First 30 Days! If you don’t see improvements and aren’t excited about moving forward (hasn’t happened yet), then you are more than welcome to cancel services. Because MoversBoost is not your typical street corner lead peddler, we view ourselves as a partner. Yes, this is a loose partnership, but a partnership in growth, because our interests are aligned. Because these leads are exclusive, we invest heavily into our valued clients infrastructure to make sure they are receiving value and more business each month. When you buy leads or advertise on random platforms, you are gambling with your money and business. If your business closes the deal, the leads provider sort-of-cares, but not really because as Tom Brady has figured out in life – NEXT MAN UP. If you weren’t able to close the lead, you just lost all your money and time. With MoversBoost, we are your digital servant. We’ll do everything to grow your business other than come over and cook you dinner. In short, we are selective because this is a relationship. On our end, we are MARRIED, but on your end, you are dating, so we are incentivized to get results sooner than later, within the first 30 days.

Pricing Client Options

How Much Does This Cost?

MoversBoost has some clients spending as little as $47 a month, while others are spending over $30,000 a month (multi-locations). Because MoversBoost relies on data science, algorithms and databases we are able to scale and provide service based on your true size, needs and budget.

What Plan Type Do You Recommend?

Transparency is key. If you are doing a few moves a month, you will want to start at one of our lower tiers. If you are moving 250 booked jobs each month, then you will want a more robust enterprise solution. MoversBoost does not pressure its clients, and provides price savings as you go up in tiers and service.

Websites: Design, Redesign, or Enhancement

Do I need a New Website?

Not necessarily. MoversBoost database can be added on top of existing websites to completely blanket your service areas. We do not view ourselves as simply a vendor, but a true partnership. If your website is receiving traffic, but not phone calls or quote submissions, then it needs to be fixed to lower your cost per lead.  We work with all leading platforms such as WordPress, Wix, Squarespace, Godaddy, and hosts such as Google, Amazon, Godaddy, Bluehost, Hostgator, and dozens of others.

What is the Cost of my New Moving Website?

Web design is included in your monthly marketing plan. MoversBoost is interested in a long-term relationship only, and does not charge an additional fee for website redesign or design.

How Long Does it Take to Build or Enhance My Website?

For clients on our smaller tiers, websites are built within 5- 7 days. Your full 30 days of marketing does not begin until complete so there is no stress or rush, to make sure we get it right the first time. For larger clients on WordPress or custom CMS rebuild or enhancement takes 14-21 days.

Do I keep the Website if I Cancel?

If you had a website before MoversBoost we recommend taking a full backup of it. If a client is on a higher tier, such as WordPress the website is theirs to keep, minus the software of MoversBoost which includes software, AI and databases. We do have maintenance plans for both client tiers as low as $47 and $575 depending on our clients initial investments. You can always cancel at anytime as well. Clients on the lower tiers can opt for our $47 maintenance plan. The website server and technology powering it is not open or transferrable upon canceling.

Do I have to Pay for Hosting?

No, one more bill you can cancel. Because MoversBoost landing pages need to be built and used with an existing or new website, the cost is the same to us. This is why clients are canceling their extra hosting costs and switching over to MoversBoost. We work with clients on any host, but we host on cutting edge technology servers inside Google Cloud Enterprise, Amazon AWS, SiteGround, Hostgator and Godaddy.

Do I have to pay for SSL?

No. We Include this in our service since we have hosting server deals.

Do I need a Domain Name?

Yes. We want our clients to own their domain name. Too often we see other marketing agencies hold domains hostage. We will either work with your existing domain (if you have access), or walk you through the exact transfer steps to get it setup inside your own account. We recommend Godaddy to create the domain name.

CRM: Customer Relationship Management

Can You Integrate with Oncue, SmartMoving, Granot, etc?

Yes. At our higher tier services we create custom interactive forms which integrate via API to push leads directly into your CRM. On our smaller tiers we can simply embed your forms or link to them. 

Tracking CRM Lead Sources

MoversBoost tracks the source for all leads to help our clients understand what is working and what is not. We do this through Callrail phone call tracking, and pathway tracking on the website to see the 10 pages someone visited before submitting a form request online for a quote.

Facebook & Social Media

Do you run Regular Facebook and Instagram Ads?

No. MoversBoost uses its database of pixels to build custom audiences inside Facebook using Remarketing. Clients need a certain level of traffic on the website in order to have value to show ads to people who were once on the website. While most Facebook ads fail, MoversBoost ads are combining data across tens of thousands of look alike entries and people who were once on your website, which means they are interested in a move. This powerful and proven technique is available at our mid pricing tiers.

Do I need a Facebook Page?

No, but you can’t run Facebook ads without one. Some clients on our lower tiers are very successful without Facebook or social media marketing. We recommend creating one for your moving business.

Google My Business (Maps)

Do I need a Google My Business (Maps Listing?)

Yes. Many clients do not have direct access. MoversBoost works with the client closely to ensure they are the Primary owner on their Google My Business listing. This is because it’s the HUB of all your online marketing in conjunction with your website. Reviews, Local information, are critical.

I do not have a Map listing or Access to One for My Business

If you do not have a Google My Business listing, simply Google it and setup. It’s free, fast and simple. Google will send a mailer to your home. If someone else created the profile on your behalf, and they will not make you an owner, you can request Google send out a new mailer to your same address that it was first verified under. This will then give you Primary owner access.

Reputation Management

Will MoversBoost help me get reviews?

Yes, we create a simple, yet powerful message to send to your customers after every move to get more real reviews.

I have below a 4.0 reputation

Because MoversBoost is not selling shared leads, we are sending traffic with advanced techniques, landing pages and databases. If a client has below a 4.0 reputation we noticed a 75% drop off in conversions. If you want to become a client of MoversBoost we ask that you first get more real reviews from family, friends and happy customers before joining the MoversBoost system

Google Ads

Will you manage my Google Ads account?

Yes. For higher tier clients we separate out the SEO and Google Ads budget. For our medium and lower tier clients, MoversBoost uses a flat rate to include everything under one price: Website Landing Pages, Hosting, Software, SEO, Google Ads, Remarketing.

How much do you charge for Google Ads management?

It’s included at a flat rate for our lower to medium tier clients. For our higher tier clients, MoversBoost charges a 10% of spend rate, and micro-manages thousands of keywords every day ensuring a positive ROI for our valued clients.


Do I need to Provide Photos and Videos?

Yes. Fake stock photos are much weaker. Clients with real photos and videos have a much better leads rate, they get more leads for their dollar and better results. It’s very easy to take photos and videos from a phone (and send to your account manager). If you are unwilling to try to grow your business, it will not be a good fit.


We understand trust is earned. Even though we have proven our ability in the marketplace through years of case studies, and positive testimonials, MoversBoost is interested in mutual, fruitful relationships. If you are accepted as a client, MoversBoost is so confident, we are offering a month to month service. Together we will grow your business every day, and every month.


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