Arlington County, Virginia Moving Leads

Joshua Griffin

“90% of New Booked Jobs from MoversBoost”



“My SEO is Going Crazy!”


“I couldn't ask for a better team”


“Only company I've ever worked with to get me REAL Results”

Joel Cologne

“Cut my marketing budget by 50% while adding 25-30% New Business”


“Took us from just a local moving company to a major player”

Jason Ponder

“We went from 1 Truck to 4 Trucks - overbooked with new jobs now”

Known simply as “Arlington” Arlington County is home of The Pentagon, which means a good amount of families moving into and out of the state of Virginia. The affluent areas around Arlington make it great city for having a successful moving company. When it comes to building a company, though, there are a few things to consider in manifesting Arlington Moving Leads.

Website Design

Your website is a major part of your marketing. New leads are going to visit your website. Your website paints an image of your company The website will make a strong impression on the new leads because they will judge your company based on the website.

Therefore, it is important that you convey the value you are offering to your clients on your website. You also want to separate yourself from your competitors. Your website should be clear, simple, and modern. An outdated website can cause you to lose a lead.

You also want to make sure your website is mobile responsive as most people spend on average 4 hours a day. It is important that your forms are short and simple enough to fill out on a mobile device.

You don’t need to spend a lot of money on a website design project. For a moving company, you only need something simple. If you are being quoted $5,000 and more, that is way too much.

Add visuals to your website. However, don’t use too many stock photos. Using a hero image on your website can give it a modern feel. You want your images to help sell the services you are providing. An infographic is a great way to incorporate moving tips into your website.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search Engine Optimization is a great way to move leads. It involves optimizing your website so that it shows up in Google search results when someone searches for a moving company in their location.

SEO takes effort and can be expensive if you choose to hire a company. However, SEO is a marketing approach that comes with many benefits that make the cost worth it. The first page of Google is where you want to be when someone is looking for movers. It can help you get more leads for your moving company.

If you feel hiring a company for SEO is too costly, you can ask about their smallest package first. This will guarantee that you show up when someone searches your company’s name. An SEO company usually has options that are less expensive, and they will work with you. It may be worth looking into it.

Remarketing on Social Media

Most people that come across your website are not going to reach out the first time they see it to access your services. 96% of people that are first-time visitors to a website are not ready to make a purchase. They need to interact with a brand on multiple occasions to become a customer. This is why remarketing is important.

Remarketing involves showing ads to individuals who have already shown interest. They show interest when they visit your website and when they click on one of your ads that they have seen on social media.

Due to the popularity of social media, marketers have used social platforms as a way to interact with potential customers. On average, Facebook produces over 22 billion clicks annually.

Google Local Service Ads

The listings at the top of the search results are known as Google Local Service Ads. If you would like to be a part of Google Local Services, you have to go through a screening process with Google. Once Google has accepted you, you can set a budget for you to pay per call.

The best thing about these ads is they are trackable. You can also quickly turn on and off the ads. So, if you are getting a lot of requests from the ads, you can turn them off.

Local SEO

Local SEO is when your company shows up in Google’s local maps section. This is also a great way to get moving leads. Local SEO results get more attention because they are higher than organic results.

There is usually a call button for potential customers to call or visit your company’s website. These results tend to get more clicks on smartphones and tablets. There is a downside to Local SEO though. If you only have one location, you only show up in that location. A regular SEO allows you to create many city landing pages.

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

Optimizing your website based on the behavior of the visitor is known as Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO). The purpose of CRO is to increase the chance of the visitor doing what you want them to do on a specific page.

Due to the inconsistency of online traffic, it is very unlikely that a visitor will come back to your website and do what you want them to do if they haven’t already entered your conversion funnel on the first visit. In order to increase your chances of the visitor doing the desired action, you need to run effective CRO campaigns.

When you have a good campaign, you are saving your time, effort, and money. CRO also gives you some information on your website’s usability and gives you some insight into customer behavior so you can improve your UX. Ultimately, this is an ongoing process

Design of Landing Page

The landing page is the foremost element in defining the website’s usability and success. An aesthetically pleasing website gets more traction than others. Using white space to highlight products and using large images captures the visitors’ attention.

Website Copy

Words on the screen can also turn your visitors into leads. Engaging content can be the difference between visitors staying on your website to do the desired action and them leaving without doing anything.

Call-to-Action (CTA)

A call-to-action (CTA) is a call for visitors to take action. The action could be signing up for your newsletter. It could also be them signing up for a webinar or making a purchase. A strong CTA will generate more leads.

Structure of the Website

Your website should be easy to navigate. The structure of your site is a graph that highlights how different pages work together. Usually, you navigate from the homepage and look through the different categories and subcategories to find what you need.

An unstructured website can lead to visitors leaving your website. Users need to be able to move quickly between website sections. A fluid website increases conversions which build your brand’s reputation.


Forms are an important part of a sales funnel. When you optimize this touchpoint, it will improve your conversion rate. When building a form for your business, you want to balance lead quality with the volume of leads.

Page Speed

The speed that your page loads at will impact how well your website performs. A slow page can affect the user’s experience, conversion rate, and search engine ranking. You could end up losing potential customers.

The Wrap Up

Developing moving leads is a process that takes a lot of time and effort. Website design is an important aspect of doing so. Search engine optimization is also a necessary part of building a business. Using remarketing strategies can also move leads. Google local service ads and local SEO is a great way to build your brand. Conversion rate optimization will increase the chance of a visitor taking the desired action. These steps are necessary in moving leads.


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