Google Analytics tracks opportunities for Moving Company Websites

Google Analytics lets you quickly and easily see your top performing webpages, and ones which need to be improved.

1) Go to Google Analytics:

G4 Analytics is the new standard put out by Google.

Google Analytics setup

Google Analytics Industry Category

Read and Accept Terms of Service

Google Analytics web platform

Google Analytics data stream

Google Analytics web stream details

Google Analytics tag instructions

2) Copy this code. Add to Website Header

You are going to paste this code in the <head> section of your website. Many websites have sections to add header code, where you can copy/paste and save.

Add Google Analytics to Header

3) Analyze Website Traffic

Acquisition -> Overview shows the top traffic sources to your website such as Organic (search engines), direct (people typed your website directly into their browser), Paid Search (Google Ads), Display (Banner ads), Social (Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, etc), Referral (from other websites).

Google Analytics Acquisition

What can you do with Google Analytics information?

It’s a good overall indicator of your website’s growth, stagnation or decline. If certain webpages have very high bounce rates, you may want to tweak them, or redo them to add time on webpage, and lower bounce rates.

If you see Social is your top traffic source, you can double down on your social media posting and ads. Accurate insights and information give way to better informed decisions. If you see a webpage you created such as local movers ONE OF YOUR LOCATIONS, then you can simply build out more pages around this location such as:

Local Movers COUNTY

Local Movers ZIP CODE

Local Movers TOWN

By understanding your hottest locations and most searched service types, local, long distance, gun safes, pianos, etc, you can invest your time and resources into content which is already a proven winner.



Social Reviews