Speed Kills! In this case, a slow speed will kill your moving business ROI. How often does a customer ask you, how long will it take?…, What is the cost per hour? Everything is time, and this is true of search engines and humans landing on your website, and taking actions or inactions.

MoversBoost understands the importance of speed. Here are a few metrics putting us in the top 1-2% of website performance for ourselves (and clients).

98% for MoversBoost here in GTmetrix

Google AMP webpages validated here

A fast website is critical to obtaining more leads. Even the smallest drops in website load times will kill your conversion rate (rate at which traffic becomes a red hot lead). Basic WSYWIG editor websites such as Godaddy, Wix, Squarespace, and a few others are excellent when you are first starting out, but their performance is capped. It’s the same with a Bughatti. What color is yours? Yes, more things can go wrong, but under a skilled technician, more things can go right.

Software can be installed to enhance your website if you are on an open platform such as WordPress (not .com version) or HTML based website. Premium plugins and software offer specific advantages for performance and website speed. Below we list out top ones in WordPress, but these principles can be applied to any moving company website to speed it up, get more traffic, leads and booked jobs.

  1. Content Delivery Network (CDN) / Cache:

Cache is pre-loading your website, images and assets on a webpage. Rather than having to completely render the webpage, images, text, videos, and other media each time for the first time, a website cache service stores all this information for you, and delivers it to the end user (human), dynamically routing the quickest paths to their IP (computer or mobile device).  Examples are:



WP Rocket


AMP (by Google)

  1. Image Optimization:
  • Compress images (jpeg vs png, or other extreme compressions)
  • Use the right image format (e.g., WebP).
  1. Efficient Quote Forms:
  • Use AJAX to submit forms without reloading the page.
  • Only ask for essential information to reduce user wait time.
  1. Minify Resources: Ensure CSS, JavaScript, and HTML files are minified to reduce their size.
  2. Reduce External Scripts: Limit reliance on third-party scripts, especially those not crucial for users (e.g., some trackers).
  3. Optimize Map Integration: If you have a location map, use asynchronous loading so it doesn’t block other content. Also, consider a ‘click to load’ mechanism for maps.
  4. Lazy Load Non-essential Content: This could include images in a gallery, blog post thumbnails, or secondary widgets.
  5. Efficient API Calls: If integrating with scheduling or CRM systems, ensure API calls are optimized and don’t slow down the site.
  6. Optimize Video Content: If showcasing moving process videos, use video compression and serve through a CDN.
  7. Database Optimization: Regularly optimize your database, especially if you have a booking system or frequently updated content.
  8. Server Response Time: Choose a reputable host and monitor your server response time, aiming for below 200ms.
  9. SSL Optimization: Ensure that SSL handshakes are quick. This is especially vital if customers are entering personal details for bookings.
  10. Gzip Compression: Enable Gzip compression to reduce the size of data being transferred.
  11. Clean Up Plugins: If using CMS platforms like WordPress, regularly review and optimize plugins, removing any that are unnecessary.
  12. Limit Parallax & Heavy Animations: While they look good, they can slow down your site, especially on mobile.
  13. Efficient CSS & JavaScript: Load only the necessary CSS and JS files for each page. Avoid bulky libraries if only a few features are used.
  14. Localized Hosting: Host your website near your primary customer base to reduce data travel time.
  15. Simplify Web Fonts: Use web-safe fonts or limit the number of custom fonts loaded.
  16. Optimize CTAs: Any Call-to-Action, like “Get a Quote” or “Book Now,” should be optimized to load swiftly.
  17. Regular Performance Audits: Use 3rd party tools to determine your website’s performance for robots, and also load yourself to see how humans interact with your website firsthand.

By focusing on these specific areas, moving companies can provide a much faster website for potential leads, resulting in higher engagement and conversions.



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