Your Google My Business (Maps) listing was suspended? This 7 minute guide will walk you through exactly what to do, and it doesn’t take long to implement it. Chances are it was an algorithm update or a competitor flagging your Google Maps listing. All is not lost. If you have paperwork (Articles of Formation, S corp, etc) legal documents, you can get your listing back in good standing sooner than later. There are two things you’ll need to ensure align to get it back in good standing

  1. The name of your Google My Business listing matches the Name in your legal document (a DBA is sometimes sufficient, but not always)
  2. The address listed on your legal documents match the address used in Google My Business (Maps) (even if address is hidden from public)

Sometimes you can still get approved if the name doesn’t exactly match or the address is slightly different, but it’s very important to make sure the name of the Google My Business listing is exactly as it appears in your Articles of Formation, or DBA, and the address matches as well. The reason Google is doing this is to clamp down on brokerages and lead sellers that have fake listings in the maps.

as the OWNER of the listing, you should also follow this process because Video Verification is now the most common way to confirm/approve your listing or get it reinstated in Google. An agency can do a lot for you, but this is something the owner of the listing should handle. This guide will walk you through step by step how to get your moving company listed back in Google Maps.

Login to your Gmail connected to your Google My Business listing(s)

Go here:

Google My Business Profile Local Business Reinstatement Request 1

The only difference from this guide and yours should be if you have an actual office. Some movers do not have an official office or warehouse. As long as it’s not your home, we recommend always SHOWING the address and not hiding it. This means, YES, you do conduct face-to-face meetings are you location. Even if you do not, you pay for this overhead/expense and can leverage it as an asset. Google just doesn’t want fake businesses or home addresses flooding the market. If you aren’t sure, or using a home address, put NO for face to face meetings and keep it as a service area. If you own a warehouse or a real office, then put Yes for face to face business at your location.

Google My Business for Movers

Fill out Name, Email, ownership, name of business, exact address (if a real office, or put service area if NO for conducting Face to Face meetings), Business Profile ID

How to Find your Business Profile ID for Google My Business (Maps)

Login to gmail, login to Google My Business. Can go here:

Google Maps Reinclusion Request

Google Maps Business Profile ID

Google My Business for Moving Companies

Google Maps SEO for Movers

Copy/ Paste your Business Profile ID into the form

Upload Articles of Formation and/or other documents that show this is a real business and the name matches the name used in Google My Business along with the address.

If it does not, we recommend editing your listing, and updating either the name of the business or the address used, then filling out this form. The edits will not go live until the listing is verified or in this case, reverified so it won’t matter. You should only do this if the Articles of Formation or legal name of the business is very far off from the name you used in Google My Business (Maps).

Give it a once over, and submit.

If you receive an automated email from Google My Business Support

After submitting, sometimes you’ll receive an automated email from Google. I recommend always replying to this email with the following

Hello Google My Business Support Team,

Attached are documents proving NAME OF BUSINESS is a legal business operating out of ADDRESS. Our Google My Business Profile ID Is: PROFILE ID HERE.

Please call me at: YOUR PHONE NUMBER

Our website is: YOUR WEBSITE HERE

**Be sure to attach your Articles of Formation, or other documents or images proving it’s a real business**

Even if they do not fix/reply to the email I would email reply every Monday and Friday until it was resolved. Remember, this is hurting your business, and no one will care more than you. Follow up is important. Each email can be very similar to the first, and continue to provide information, documentation, and stay on top of them until resolved. Then you’ll want to follow this advanced local SEO Maps Guide for Movers.

IF Your Request is Denied or They Refuse to Help

Google My Business specialist team

If you filled out the reinstatement request form, and replied to their automated email, you still may get a reply like the one above. It basically says go kick rocks. There is ANOTHER form you can fill out here:

Google Maps for Movers

Google Maps for Movers2

If you have storage or you can prove signage (and you want to display address in maps, which does help with rankings) then select My business has a physical location. Most moving companies do not have any signage. You can get creative and stage signage if you truly want the address to show in maps, otherwise select service area.

Upload pictures of your truck/equipment for moving. I recommend being in the image as well. Wear a uniform.

Upload a picture near a local landmark. Wear a uniform

Upload a Utility bill dated within the past 3 months

Select the reason you are contacting. Chances are because there are no more ways to verify.

Your website

Your email (the one which has ownership or manager access to your listing)

I consent to have my information shared

Your Country

Your BBB link (if you can find) or you can put  n/a

Attach any other relevant proof that the business exists. This can be Articles of Formation, DBA, Image, etc

Further Details about your issue. Example template.

Video Call (yes). This might be the only way you can verify or reverify your listing




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