Google My Business is the name for accessing Google Maps as a business owner.

This is a basic guide which goes over what Google My Business (Maps) is for movers, how to get started on it for free and basic guidelines.

Here is the advanced local SEO marketing guide for Movers if you want to see the next steps.

Without a verified, Google My Business listing, your location cannot show in local Google Map searches for popular phrases such as:

Movers near me

Moving company near me

Gun safe movers near me

Piano movers near me

Local movers near me

Long distance movers near me


If you want to test this, simply search for a dentist near you, and you can see the top results all have Map listings, and they all have great reviews, and a lot of them.

You cannot get reviews for your moving company in Google without a verified Google My Business Map listing.

Create a Free listing on Google for your Moving Company

You’ll need a Gmail account (which is also free) to create and manage your Moving Company profile in Google My Business (Maps)

Then go here:

When creating the listing, be sure to fill out you are a “Service Area” and you do not conduct face to face meetings at your location. Unless you operate a warehouse or a larger operation which does conduct face to face meetings, be sure to hide the address.


Get Listed in Google For Moving Companies

Google My Business marketing for movers

Google Guaranteed for Movers

Google My Business website for Moving Companies

Google My Business for Movers



Can Movers verify their home address in Google My Business?

Yes, 100% Many movers work from home. Many professional who operate service area businesses work from home.

**It’s important to note, you must be able to prove to Google with documentation such as an LLC document, water bill, DOT or some type of legal proof the business does operate from this exact address.**

Can Movers verify a PO BOX or UPS Store address in Google My Business?

No. It’s against Google’s guidelines. Even if accepted today, it will eventually be flagged and you risk losing all your reviews. It’s simply not worth it.

Can Movers have multiple Google My Business locations?

Yes, as long as you can prove the business operates from those locations, whether your LLC or a DBA. It’s important to be able to prove you operate out of the locations you verify in case they ever get flagged in the future (which is very common, even if doing nothing wrong).

My Moving Company Google My Business is Pending Approval or Suspended for Quality Issues

If this happens, do not panic. You have to submit an appeal, and upload documentation proving you operate your business out of that location (address).


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