Onpage SEO is Critical  Keyword Terms ranking in search engines

Basic to advanced Onpage SEO for Moving Company Websites

1) URL

SEO titles Moving Companies

Your URL is the webpage pathway. This is important to describe it clearly. A bad example is /moving. In this example you can see


For shorter, more common webpages such as Local Moves you would want to structure like this:




2) Title

SEO Meta Data Moving Websites

Your Title should be short and concise when possible. Even though this example shows “red” according to Yoast, it still performs extremely well in reality. It’s better to err on the side of length, then brevity because Google bot and other search engines are now truncating results, or simply re-optimizing your own titles for you.

  • Write your titles to include Service and Service Are
  • Write your title’s to be very Interesting or Clickable

A strict example of a precise title would be:

Sarasota Movers

An extreme example of clickbait would be:

You Won’t Believe Our Hourly Rates

A combination of the two would be:

Sarasota Movers – We Help People Escape the Cold


Sarasota Movers – Fast Quote & Great Hourly Rates

3) Description

Same principle as the Title, it should include poignant information, yet be compelling for someone to actually want to click through to read it.

SEO Meta Descriptions for Movers example

Meta Descriptions can be seen as long-winded reiterations of the title. It must support the title in various ways, and entice a tap or click from the end user who needs to move.

4) H1

H1 tags span styles for Movers

H1 tags are a style that is the Main Heading. It’s the largest in appearance and it commands attention. It’s akin to yelling at someone in real life. It’s a focal point of the webpage.

Because it’s powerful, it should not be abused. Stick to one H1, or maybe 2 if you have over 1000 words and want to have a subsection. The H1 should reiterate the title, but not necessarily the exact phrase. If your website template for your moving company has default H1 tags I wouldn’t stress, as Google is able to discern boiler plate content from unique ones.

5) H2

H2 tags Moving Company Website Templates

H2 tags are points of emphasis. They are the most commonly used style tag for subsections. They again need to support the main effort, but they can be less related than the Title, H1, or Meta Description.

Content Marketing H2 SEO for Movers

6) H3, H4, H5, H6, Bold, Italic, Blockquote, Underline

While these aren’t prerequisites for success, if you have a detailed webpage (1000+ words), it gives more opportunities for points of emphasis. These HTML markups are not as powerful as its contemporaries above, however they still hold slightly more weight than regular text. Onpage SEO is a Science AND an Art for Movers. You want to support, reiterate and perhaps find new angles to use these markups. Perhaps you talk about your packing process, or how you use moving blankets, straps, and dollies. The deeper you can dive into exactly who you are, what you do, and how you do it, the better off you’ll be. Then simply edit your content with this markup, and don’t overthink it.

7) Images

Images are content. This Image SEO for Moving Company website post goes into detail exactly what you should and shouldn’t be doing to optimize your photos.

8) Keywords

Writing naturally is typically the best advice. Especially if you use all headings as a template, you won’t have to stuff keywords in odd places. Stuffing keywords worked well in the early 2000s, but search engines are much more sophisticated. Simply write about your company, your services, a little about the area (if it’s a location based webpage), and it will be optimized well.

9) Backend Code (Structured Data)

SEO is about consistency, relevancy and popularity. Onpage SEO is completely under your control. Search engines “read” the backend of your website differently than humans. You must have the proper code. This technical SEO Coding guide for Movers shows the exact code template to use, and where to put it.

10) User Experience

Not all web traffic needs to “convert” into a lead. If someone goes to your website, and spends a good amount of time on it, it’s a quality signal to search engines. Google is now releasing a new Helpful Content Update, which tracks signals and user experience to discern which are the best webpages for humans. This means compelling website design, layouts, content and calls to action are critical to increasing rankings. Video is the quickest shortcut to branding, increasing time on your website, and improving your overall helpful content, in the eyes of Google, Bing, Duckduckgo, Yahoo and other search engines.



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